The principle of preserving the equipment for preventing any malfunction either before they occur or before they develop into major defects is Maintenance.
The prime end of safeguarding is to eliminate the consequences of malfunction of equipment.
AC Maintenance Service in Dwarka – Our maintenance program shall help you to prevent all equipment failure before if occurs. All air conditioner and refrigeration systems, like any other machine depreciate with time and if not maintained, they lose efficiency, consume more power & reduce your profits. The good news, however, is that you can recover most of that lost efficiency through regular maintenance.
It is a good idea to check your system before the cooling or heating seasons starts by one of your maintenance contractor.
AC Maintenance Service in Dwarka – "Yadav Electrical & Refrigeration" offers preventative maintenance and service agreements. With Compressor/ Without Compressor – Compressor does not come under free repair / replacement; however the replacement of compressor will be taken care by the manufacturer on its failure during guarantee period.
Before the contract starts; The Air conditioning unit will be checked, for Temperature, Amperage & noise.
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If yes then do not forget to call us or email us, we are one of the leading AC Repair and Maintenance company located in Dwarka, New Delhi.